Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Dennis, still smiling after the initial climb.
Andy from Chucktown
Barrett, showing me the proper way to push.
Joe, at the end of squirrel gap

Joe led a group of us Pisgah newbies and not so newbies to Pisgah on memorial day. I enjoyed meeting Barrett and Andy and enjoyed seeing Dennis and Joe. We started at the horse stables and immediately climbed 1000 feet to Presley gap. From there we did turkey pen and some other trails I don't remember. We ended up on squirrel gap and buckhorn gap. My final odometer said 30 miles. I didn't really know what to expect but now I know what all the talk is about. The wilderness is amazing and the trails take everything you have to give. Pisgah really forces you to leave everything out on the trail. And I think this is the essence of why we mountain bike...to see what our personal limit is. There just isn't anything comparable around here (midlands). Maybe some technical sections of spiderwoman might offer a small glimpse, but not really. Its hard to pick, but I'd have to say my favorite section of the day was s. mills river, mullinax area which was a controlled decent and some stair stepping log drop offs. I also enjoyed squirrel gap. Squirrel gap ran parallel to topo, but was a technical trail; rocky, rooty, etc.

After about 2.5 hours, I had a bonk coming on strong as a result of the initial climbing but was able to stave it off with several clif bars, gel, HEED and a red bull that Joe donated. I think the terrain also changed at this point to include less climbing which helped hold off the bonk. But I couldn't hold off the cramping that started at about the 4 hour mark. Towards the end, the only way I could stop the cramping is to get off and walk the bike. I walked the better part of buckhorn gap to finish out the ride and was glad to see the long gravel road decent back to the parking lot. The last time I experienced this amount of cramping was 28 miles of Dupont. I guess I need to try endurolytes or some other supplement. Maybe a banana or two would have been nice as well.

This was lots of fun and I hope we can do this more often. I look forward to the next time.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Thursday night: First I forgot the ipod so it was going to be long and boring. Lost Creek backwards, see two guys on beach cruisers piddeling down the trail. First time I've seen that. I kept thinking how comfortable those springy seats look. Who took leaf blowers on lost creek??? Traverse firebreak to crooked pine>>back side of midlands mountain and do the outer loop backwards. Harbison bluffs>>midlands mountain>>spiderwoman>>see rabbit>>inner woman>>see another rabbit>>spiderwoman, more climbing in reverse direction!!! I kept thinking about when I broke my finger on spiderwoman and how I'd like to avoid doing that again>>midlands mountain>>harder>>stewardship to top of pump track downhill section (uphill this time)>>go left on inner gravel road loop>>see atleast ten rabbits>>back to top of pump track>>connector>>more rabbits>>firebreak>>out. Could barely see the last couple of miles due to darkness. 23.5 miles 2 hours and change.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


The 2nd tuesday night of the month is U-Turn night for me at Calvary Chapel of Lexington. My brother, who went through the U-Turn ministry, got me involved with leading Bible studies for the men. The men live on the "ranch" at the church and are there because their lives have been destroyed by and controlled for too long by alcohol and drugs and are ready to put their trust in Christ. They have 4 bible studies a day so teachers are in demand. I am always struck by the humility and sincerety of these men. I have rarely seen people this eager to learn and open to the Truth. Their eagerness to change is evident. It never takes more than a couple of seconds for one of them to volunteer to answer a tough question, read a passage of scripture or even to pray. And they truly appreciate the teachers that come out. I never leave without each and everyone of them going out of their way to shake my hand, hug me or even pray for me.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Work deadlines have been stacking up so I worked most of the weekend but Leah gave me a kitchen pass Sunday afternoon to get some saddle time. My goal was about 2.5 hours at a moderate pace. After Lost Creek I realized how good I was feeling by looking at the lap time being sub 36 minutes. This is the first ride in a while that I didn’t have to push the big ring because I finally got my new middle ring installed. What a difference the gearing can make after training with the harder gear ratio for the last several rides. I finished the 20 mile outer loop in 1:45 plus/minus which is not impressive but I didn’t really work too hard either. Sitting in the parking lot I became inspired by Monty’s route from Lexington so I thought I’d give it a try. I left the forest and rode through Irmo and across the Dam to Corley Mill Road. Dropped in early for homegroup with some friends and Mike shuttled me back to the forest. The total distance was 30 miles and about 2:30 ride time.

As a side note, the bike lanes on Hwy 60 and then across the dam on 6 are super nice and really make road riding feel a little safer.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

She's 10

This is going to sound weird but I dread the day of her wedding. I will traditionally have to "give her away" as the dad of the bride. I don't know if I will be able to walk that aisle with her. I cannot imagine who would be worthy of her. But I can't wait to see whom she says yes to because he will be one lucky dude. Anna Leigh turned 10 on April 30. We did our annual birthday camping trip to Hunting Island Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Had a great time and it went by too fast and so has ten years. I can't believe ten years have passed since she came into our lives. I remember when she was born and I was completely speechless...being privileged to witness a miracle and feeling an instant connection with a human being; indescribable. I can tell you that I do not deserve to have such a special gift in my life. Everyone who knows me knows I am an ogre. In her ten years she has developed into quite a person. She loves the Lord, loves her friends and has a natural beauty that permeates to her core. She has always been that way; it is how God created her. Leah and I tell her as much as possible that God created her just the way he wants her and to take confidence that she is the daughter of the King, a masterpiece of the Creator.
Psalm 139:13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.