Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Harbison Samaritans Purse Race

Although I REALLY wanted to ride in the race, I was there as a volunteer and had to restrain myself from snagging someone’s bike and going out on the course. My friend, Paul, offered for me to borrow his daughters Barbie bike but it was a single speed and I thought that might cause me some problems. Seriously though, it was a success from the standpoint of raising money and doing something to benefit others. I don’t have the final numbers, but we raised somewhere in the range of $500.00 after expenses. That’s enough to ship 55 shoeboxes full of Christmas cheer to children around the world. Its also enough to provide tools and training for 5 families to be better subsistence farmers for their families (give a man a fish vs. teach a man to fish…).

The idea was to do this November race this year without loosing our shirts and for Rebecca to “show me the ropes”. Next year, I’ll try to do it solo and then make it an annual event after that. That’s my goal atleast. Since it was a multi lap event, it was really cool to see the race play out as the riders passed the start/finish line. I had a really good time and it was good to see everyone who participated.