Thursday, April 17, 2008


Last weekend I decided to mow the yard because it seemed as if the weeds had gotten a head-start this year and needed cutting. I am still suffering the ill effects of mowing the yard and it is already Friday. When I was mowing the side yard, I recall slowing my push speed down so the mower would have more time to suck up the large quantity of birch sexual organs laying all over the ground. Evidently, these organs still had a lot of pollen in them and I was overcome by a green cloud. I tried to stop breathing so I wouldn't inhale (no my name is not Bill). Impressed by the dust cloud I was creating, I continued mowing and began trying to suck up more organs under the second birch tree. The mower had no problem sucking them and did a fine job. However, it was only catching the larger material and the pollen was blowing out of the bagger unimpeded.

24 hours later I began a sinus headache and congestion. This has lasted all week. I finally went to CVS and got some sinus meds. These are helping clear me up. An observation on sinus meds: They now have a label on them that says "does not contain ephedrine". I found this to be funny. I guess that is so the meth junkies won't steal it off the shelf. To verify that ephedrine was actually used in meth I did a google search. Here are some of the other ingredients in meth: Alcohol -Gasoline additives/Rubbing Alcohol, Ether (starting fluid), Benzene Paint thinner, Freon, Acetone, Chloroform Camp stove fuel, Anhydrous ammonia, White gasoline, Pheynl-2-Propane, Phenylacetone, Phenylpropanolamine, Rock, table or Epsom salt, Red Phosphorous, Toluene (found in brake cleaner), Red Devil Lye, Drain cleaner, Muraitic acid, Battery acid, Lithium from batteries, Sodium metal. Wow...

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