Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Albino Deer

Keep your eyes out for an albino deer on Lost Creek. I saw one today. Lost Creek usually provides a glimpse of several does that must live over there. One other time, I stopped the bike to do something or other on lost creek, and looked over to see an 8 point buck with his head low following a doe. That is the only time I have seen a buck at Harbison. But, the albino I saw today was quite unique. She had a brown head and her color changed on her neck to white. The whole rest of her body was white except she had brown "socks". At first I thought she was a tall dog, but then she bounded off and it was the unmistakable gait of a deer.


Jim said...

Hadnt seen that one yet. Ive been seeing a family of them lately over in the back section of stewarship though. Used to be all winter Id always run into them on Lost Creek but all summer Ive seen more of them on that back section of stewardship. I'm still on the look out for that darn bobcat Toby saw too.

Tom said...

I have seen those as well. We also need a couple of owls on the gravel road loop to thin out the rabbits. I almost ran over a rabbit the other day. Missed my wheel by a foot or two. A bobcat would help that as well.